More details on events are available in the
Red Rose

The Return of the OGA Quiz!

The quiz will return on Friday 15th November at Southport & Birkdale Cricket Club
It will start at 7:30, more details will follow soon

The 10th Annual Golf Challenge
- Thursday 17th April 2025 -

The golf will also take place the same day as the dinner, though the venue is yet to be confirmed.

The Hesketh are super hosts, but we may try a different course just for some variety.

More details to follow.

The 74th Annual Dinner
- Thursday 17th April 2025 -

The venue will be the Hesketh Golf Club.

We have reverted back to Maundy Thursday as this is clearly a more popular date among the membership.

We have run the dinner twice on a Saturday in recent years and both times the numbers have dropped.

The proof of the pudding... And all that, so we have gone back to our usual calendar day.

Please add this to your diary asap, to avoid any double booking and disappointment.

More details to follow.

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